Community Impact

For clients we provide care which is safe, comforting, trustworthy, loving, non-judgmental, and confidential. We want a life for them which has hope, health, strength, freedom, and joy.

245-800Because of YOU, in 2019-2020 Birthline…

We will never know the number of lives that have been saved through our Birthline efforts, but we do know from the clients who return with their babies that Birthline’s services have impacted their lives in a positive way.

  • helped over 742 clients
  • assisted 15 women with free pregnancy tests
  • welcomed 47 new babies into the world with layettes
  • provided moms with 237 maternity clothing items
  • and gave away 13,428 diapers and 4,452 baby outfits!

Every client receives personalized, one-on-one counseling with a dedicated, trained volunteer, as well as material assistance from maternity until the baby is greater than size 2T. Your support is what has made all of this possible!

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.